Photo credit: brandon thiessen
Friday, September 15, 2006
Life isn't fair.
Photo credit: brandon thiessen
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Best Day EVER!!
Oh my goodness...
Yes, it's true...I saw Brad Pitt!! This is not simply a picture of him I found on the internet, but a picture that I took myself while standing not even 2 feet away from him! We were right behind the girl whose head is half in that picture. Crazy!!
My friends Heather and Jocelyn and myself spent the day in Toronto with our main goal being to see Brad Pitt. The film festival was going on this weekend, so we figured we'd have a pretty good chance. We started our day off at Sazzafraz, a very trendy restaraunt where all the celebrities go, where we had a lovely (and very expensive...) lunch where we hoped we might see someone famous, but we didn't. Then we spent the afternoon shopping downtown and then headed over to Roy Thompson Hall where the stars would be walking the red carpet. We got there at 5pm and waited until 6:30 when the first film was being showed. We saw Russel Crowe, Lance Bass and Reichan. Then we continued to wait until 9:00pm (standing in the same spot, with lots of people trying to push their way to the front...very annoying) when we saw Brad Pitt. It was incredible!

It was a very exciting day, and we're so glad we went. It was worth it to wait for 4 hours because we got to see Brad many people can say they've seen Brat Pitt!! And...we will go again next year!!
This is a video I took of's kinda hard to see because it was dark, but hopefully it works. Yeah!!
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Friday, September 08, 2006
The beginning of the end of student life!!
I'm really scared and excited for this year. I feel like I still have so much to learn before I can go out there on my own, and I know this year will have lots of learning opportunities, I just dont' see how I can possibly learn it all! But I know I can't know everything and you're always learning new things in the nursing profession, so I guess I just have to accept that.
I start my placement sometime next week...all the details are not yet in order, but most likely next week I'll go meet my preceptor and see the floor that I'll be working on.
Other than school, there's not much else to update on. Less than a month until Jon and Heathers wedding!! And tomorrow I'm going to Toronto in hopes of seeing Brad Pitt...wish me luck!!