Sunday, November 11, 2007
We call him Ruffles.
There have been a couple of weird things that have happened and so we like to joke that we have a ghost. It's become our little joke, but here are a few things he has done to us:
1. He stole one of our kitchen of the big ones that goes in the wood block thing. We have no idea where it went.
2. He kept hiding Jocelyns vitamins. One day she said to me 'Nic...can you stop putting my pills
in the drawer, i forget to take them when you do that'...and to which i replied 'I haven't touched your pills' they kept getting in the drawer??...i have no idea.
3. He turned on the microwave in the middle of the night. I was awoken one night at about 2am to the sound of the microwave running, and i thought jocelyn must be heating something i went to the kitchen, but no jocelyn and there was nothing in the microwave but there was 5 minutes and 16 seconds counting down...hmmm...weird?? yes, i think so.
So, that's my story.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
You still read this thing??
So, here it is:
Front Entrance
Dining Room/'Things we don't know where to put room'
(The door on the right leads to the balcony)
I still have to take a picture of the outside and then I'll add that. But we're the top floor of a 2 story house. We love it here...although we think we may have a ghost...but I'll leave that story for my next post!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A place to call my own!!
My course is going well. It's a lot to learn and my brain feels very overloaded right now, but it's very interesting. It keeps me busy, that's for sure!
So, that's about it for now. I'll leave you with some pictures of Claire because it's been awhile since I've put pics of her on here.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Change of plans...
So...those are my new plans...I was only given 1 day to make this quick decision, but I know it's the right one and feel 100% at peace about it.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
And so, tomorrow is my graduation, which is very exciting. I can't believe after four long years, my university career has come to an end. And, I will receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing...crazy!! And then as soon as my graduation is over, I'm whisking off to Alberta to go to my cousin erica's wedding...which is also crazy but I'm super-excited to see all the fam again. Then after a few days in Alberta, I'm off to Winnipeg to see my friend Kristy. So, I have a nice little vacation before I start working.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Just in Time!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Lazy Sunday Afternoon.
Brier decided to plan a surprise visit and came all the way from Thunder Bay to see family and friends here. It was a lovely surprise. We (Brier, Robyn and myself) spent the majority of our Sunday afternoon being lazy. But isn't that what Sunday afternoons are for??
Also, for those I haven't told yet, I got a job!! I'll be working for the Niagara Health System, at the Welland Hospital, on the surgical ward (post-operative)...and I'm very excited about it. I'll be starting around the middle of June sometime. So, I'm looking forward to it and I'm nervous about it, but I guess that's normal!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I always love reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in years! And this past week, I had that opportunity. My friend Lindie who I went to Capernwray with way back in 2001/2002 came to visit me for 4 wonderful days. I hadn't seen her for 3 years, but it felt like no time had passed, which I love because that is a sign of true friendship!
Lindie also knows Jocelyn from Capernwray in Quebec, so we hung out a few times and had a great time laughing and remembering funny stories.Monday, April 16, 2007
Done and Done!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007's about time!!
For those who don't know, I am no longer going to Romania. I decided that it wasn't the right time for me to go. I will work for a year and hopefully go next year sometime. It's still my dream and I will get there, but it just wasn't right for me this summer.
So, who knows what the future holds. It's exciting to be done this chapter of my life and to be moving on to something new. It's scary too, but I'm excited to see how everything unfolds!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Sun is Shining!!
I haven't had that much exercise in a long time and I forgot how good it feels to be active! I was definitley tired when we finsihed, but it was worth it! I can't wait until the snow is completely gone and the sun is shining everyday!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Oh, to be a KID again!!
This weekend, Hillary came to visit me from Toronto and we had a great time. Whenever we get together, we are just like two little kids...always having fun whatever we're doing and always laughing. So, we decided to play in the snow since my backyard was full of it. We got all bundled up, grabbed our cameras and headed out into the backyard. Here are some pics from our fun-filled snow adventure:
Also, I want to wish my cousin ERICA a very happy birthday today!! Love you Geeka!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Nothing New...
I went to a job fair on the weekend for the Niagara Health System, talked to a lot of important people and got my name in there. They were doing on the spot interviews and I could have walked out of there with a job...but I wasn't prepared to commit myself to a job there just yet. So, it was a good experience and I made some connections, which is always important!
My friend Jocelyn and I are in the process of organizing our trip to Romania!! It's very exciting and I'm pumped that we're actually going to go. To be able to live out your life dream is so incredible and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!
Tomorrow I'm going to Jon and Heathers for supper and LOST starts again...what a great day it will be.
So...this was a very random post...but a post nonetheless...until next month!!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Happy New Year...a few days late!!

Tapas with Jenny and Amber
Games night at Kristie's
That's all for now...I'll try to update more often...and I know I probably say that all the time, but I will try!!