Friday, March 30, 2007's about time!!

Well, my university career is almost finished!! I have one more week of classes and one more shift at my placement and then I'm done. Then I have 2 months to study and I write my RN exam on June 6th. I can't wait! I've been in the process of applying for jobs and deciding where I want to work. I still don't know...but I had an interview for one hospital, on a surgical ward last week and it went well, so we'll see what happens with that. It's so hard to know where to work or what area to work in, and I know that I can always go somewhere else if I don't like it, but it's still a hard decision.
For those who don't know, I am no longer going to Romania. I decided that it wasn't the right time for me to go. I will work for a year and hopefully go next year sometime. It's still my dream and I will get there, but it just wasn't right for me this summer.
So, who knows what the future holds. It's exciting to be done this chapter of my life and to be moving on to something new. It's scary too, but I'm excited to see how everything unfolds!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Sun is Shining!!

Who wants to be inside when the sun is shining, the snow is melting and it's a beautiful day outside?? Not me...and although I had plenty to do (homework), I jumped at the opportunity to go for a hike with my friend Jocelyn. We set out for the Niagara Gorge, and after a few wrong turns, we made it and had a fabulous hike!

I haven't had that much exercise in a long time and I forgot how good it feels to be active! I was definitley tired when we finsihed, but it was worth it! I can't wait until the snow is completely gone and the sun is shining everyday!