I figured I better update this while I'm still on Christmas holidays! I had 2 weeks off work and it's been fantastic. The OR shuts down for 2 weeks over Christmas, open only for emergencies, so I had to work 2 shifts (dec. 22nd and 23rd) and I've been off since then. I go back on January 7th. I'm kinda looking forward to it, but mostly I'd just love to keep being on holidays. But...I know that's not reality...so I will live in my reality and not complain!
I spent almost 1 week with Corrie, Brent and Claire which was a lot of fun. Claire really is a funny kid, and keeps us all very entertained. She is talking a lot and is always on the go.

Other than that, not much else is new with me. The apartment is good...Ruffles hasn't done anything else for me to report on, so that's good. I hope everyones Christmas and New Years was fantastic...love you all!!