Saturday, March 11, 2006

GOod TiMEs wItH ThE BOYS of RaSCal FlaTtS

Here are some pictures from the Rascal Flatts concert I went to way back on Feb. was sooo much fun, and the pictures don't show how amazing it was, but trust me it was the best!!


Ryan said...

Hey Nic!

Fancy meeting you here. I'm just caught up in this whirlwind of past Capes friends who are all connected in this beautiful blogging land. Glad to see you're one of them. Looks like your life is a whole heckuva lot cooler than mine. You nurses have all the fun. Hope all's well!

talk soon,
ryan j

Nic. said..., good to hear from you!! I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog! I actually saw your picture on Ashley's blog the other day, so it's good to know you also have been sucked into the blogging world!! I hope life is treating you well AND I hope you still have the hat i made you!!


bri and shawn said...

do you know what time it is!???


don't make me revert to my old ways of threats and dental floss...