So, summer is just flying by and I can't say that I've really done a whole lot. It's been good though to just relax and have time to read a good book. This past weekend Hillary and Mike came to visit me and we had a fun day. I introduced them to this ice cream shop called Toute's similar to The Marble Slab in the States. It has the best ice cream.

I also went to Kitchener for a joint family shower for Jon & Heather and for Claire at my aunts house. It was also the first family get-together since my grandma passed away, so it was sad in that aspect, but it was a fun day.
Both Jon & Heather and Claire got lots of nice gifts.

Jon & Heather got their house last Friday which is so crazy but exciting. I went to see it on Saturday while Jon and his friend Keith were tearing apart the dining room and knocking out a wall. It needs a lot of work, but it's a cute house and will look great when it's done. I'll try to get some pics posted soon. I still can't believe Jonny's moving out soon...I try not to think about it cause it will be so wierd when he's gone and it's just me and the parents. Anyways, there's a little update about my happenings.
where is jon's house? and when is he getting married again? maybe you should email me...
we were wondering if micheal is real or if Hills just found a picture of some one random
Marc! You sure are a funny one...and yes Mike is real, I promise!! He's a good guy and I'm sure you'd like him, so hopefully you'll get the chance to meet him someday!
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