Monday, April 30, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon.

Brier decided to plan a surprise visit and came all the way from Thunder Bay to see family and friends here. It was a lovely surprise. We (Brier, Robyn and myself) spent the majority of our Sunday afternoon being lazy. But isn't that what Sunday afternoons are for??

Also, for those I haven't told yet, I got a job!! I'll be working for the Niagara Health System, at the Welland Hospital, on the surgical ward (post-operative)...and I'm very excited about it. I'll be starting around the middle of June sometime. So, I'm looking forward to it and I'm nervous about it, but I guess that's normal!!


Leah said...

way to go nikki! i'm glad you are excited about your new job! how long of a drive is that from your house? will you just be hanging out at home until you start?? i am excited to see you in Lethbridge at erica's wedding! love you.

Anonymous said...

i wish i was home for that lazy afternoon!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent way to spend a sunday afternoon.
Congratulations on the job, you'll do great.
