So, I realize that all I've been posting lately is pictures of my cakes, but it's my lastest addiction,'s another one! I made this one for a baby shower for my friend Brier. She lives in Saskatchewan and is home visiting for a couple weeks, so it was great to be able to do this for her.

Preggo Brier!!
And, since it's been awhile, here is an updated picture of my beautiful and hilarious niece Claire! I love this kid so much, and she is always making me laugh.

And, since it's summer, here are a few summer pics!




thanks nic! always good to see your masterpieces, and of course your smiling face!
see you soon!
Hey, Nic! Looks like you are having a blast with your friends this summer....oh to be young again...... And another fabulous cake! Nicely done!
your summer looks like fun!
and i always love seeing photos of your cake masterpieces! you are sure are good at them.
love you lots, see you soon!
Hi Nic. I thought it about time to check your blog and sure enough, a new post! I'm proud of that pie you made - now that you've done it once I'm sure more pies will be coming. Also very impressed with those cakes. Have you designed any new cookies lately?
Time is quickly approaching for a whole lot of family fun. Can't wait to see you again. Much love, Auntie Barb
hi Nic, oh good, still practicing with the cake decorating - actually I think you've about got it down pat! Looks great.
You've got a whole lot of friends as well - pretty nice.
It's gonna be a great time in about 3 weeks, right?
auntie rose
looks like i was eating (again) in that photo...
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