Friday, September 15, 2006

Life isn't fair.

In memory of Steve
November 24, 1981-September 14, 2006

This is not a happy post. I found out yesterday that my good friend Steve Dirksen died in a very tragic accident. He was living in Vancouver and went mountain climbing with Colin, but Steve slipped and fell. Colin couldn't see him and Steve didn't respond, so Colin had to hike back down the mountain by himself and call for help. Hours later, the search and rescue helicopter located his body. He fell about 900 feet. I don't want to make this about myself, but the feeling I'm feeling right now is the worst thing I've ever experienced and it hurts so bad. My thoughts and prayers are with Steve's family right now and with Colin who was with him when he fell. I can only hope that he didn't feel anything and blacked out before he knew what was happening. I still don't believe it at times, because this is the sort of thing that doesn't happen to you or your friends...but it does and I've learned how little we know about how long we have on this earth. I just wanted to let you all know so you can keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. This is a really tough time and I know it will be tough for a long time.

Photo credit: brandon thiessen


Anonymous said...

Nic I'm so sorry about Steve. You are so right --life just isn't fair and of course no one ever said it was. When God calls you home-home you go!, & that is hard for us to understand. love & prayers, auntie barb

Hillary said...

Nic, I too am sorry to hear about Steve. I have been thinking about you and your friends as you deal with this loss. I love you.

Anonymous said...

qcHi Nikki, Just want to let you know how sorry I am for the loss of your friend, Steve. What a shock for you. You're right, life isn't fair, but you deal with what is before you. None of us knows the day or the hour, just be ready! All my love,
auntie rose