Friday, September 08, 2006

The beginning of the end of student life!!

So, my last year of university begins!! It's really hard to believe that this is my fourth and final year of school and then I'm a real nurse...wierd... Anyways, I just found out that my placement for first semester is on the psych ward at Hamilton General hospital. I was not happy about this because I really didn't want a psych placement, but I will try to make the best of it and hopefully I'll learn something. I don't know where I'll be next semester yet, but I'm hoping for some kind of surgical placement.
I'm really scared and excited for this year. I feel like I still have so much to learn before I can go out there on my own, and I know this year will have lots of learning opportunities, I just dont' see how I can possibly learn it all! But I know I can't know everything and you're always learning new things in the nursing profession, so I guess I just have to accept that.
I start my placement sometime next week...all the details are not yet in order, but most likely next week I'll go meet my preceptor and see the floor that I'll be working on.
Other than school, there's not much else to update on. Less than a month until Jon and Heathers wedding!! And tomorrow I'm going to Toronto in hopes of seeing Brad Pitt...wish me luck!!

1 comment:

bri and shawn said...

are you going to T. with Heather? because i dont see how she would miss that opportunity...

ps. i feel the same way about school. i think i might pee my pants every day. there is sooooo much to learn! and i only have 9 weeks to do it!!!